From the Tried to the True…

Transitioning to ORES. Why are people so attached to one ‘brand’ of economic governance over another? Comfortable familiarity, uneasy but familiar truce? Or… a systematic, top-down, propaganda-perpetuated, debt-indentured consumerism. Before we discuss how to meet the essential needs of every person on the planet, or the Open Resource System(ORES) of Continue Reading →

Quickie: Jason Silva’s NYC Mindjam

After following Jason Silva’s YouTube channel for some time, I was pleased to see a sit down session with author Douglas Rushkoff in an open forum situation. In the post video glow I thought I would delve into the comments to see who was saying what. And was, I confess, Continue Reading →

Empathy ~ The Mother of All Morality

It is the mother of human truth. A sensate morality enervated by compassionate self awareness. A useful and connective tissue which binds all living things. It gives birth to our humanity then nurtures and protects it. We survived the great evolutionary gauntlet on the basis of one fact: We experienced the needs of others as our own. Continue Reading →