Rant & Reason: Sport Hunting

When so many species are hanging by a thread, hunting must be regarded as a zero sum game. An atavistic impulse as lethal to the species as any virus ever encountered. A virus in desperate need of a cure. Continue Reading →

Russell Brand: Speaking the Trews and taking the heat!

We knew it would happen. Eventually, out of the tumult of voices who have been crying out for change, a uniquely salient voice would emerge! It would take someone who shatters preconceptions while articulating the churning undercurrents of discontent in order to gain the focal attention of the masses. Already at a Continue Reading →

Empathy ~ The Mother of All Morality

It is the mother of human truth. A sensate morality enervated by compassionate self awareness. A useful and connective tissue which binds all living things. It gives birth to our humanity then nurtures and protects it. We survived the great evolutionary gauntlet on the basis of one fact: We experienced the needs of others as our own. Continue Reading →